Our Background

Our research focus on the ultra-low power and high performance FETs based on novel device structures and alternative channel materials. Tunneling FET and Negative capacitance FET are investigated with steep switching properties. High mobility materials (III-V compounds), high-K dielectric, and multi-gate structures are developed for better device performance.

Our research concentrated on utilizing the unique properties of spin (such STT, SOT…etc) to develop nonvolatile devices embedded in the circuit system to reach ZERO power under inactive condition and ultimately toward to quantum computing devices. Our focused devices are nanomagnetic logic units, MRAM, full spin transistors, spin oscillators, and so on.

Our research focused on exploring the fundamentals of materials to identify promising and unique properties for device applications. Furthermore, the related quantum/classical transport theories are studied and are developed for charges or spin transport under steady-state and time transient conditions. This is a fantastic opportunity to investigate new physics at such small dimensions and to understand the characteristics of various devices.

Stochastic Computing (SC)
Our research focuses on creating innovative circuitry employing non-volatile electronic devices for application in stochastic computing, with the aim of addressing a range of challenges. These include the resolution of the integer factorization problem, Boolean satisfiability problem, traveling salesman problem, and protein structure prediction problem. Moreover, we also investigate the correlation between device reliability and circuit performance, along with the advancement of efficient annealing techniques.